Wednesday 29 April 2015

Best Dog Insurance Plan

 A2Z Insurance
Are you looking for the best dog insurance plan on-line? If so, congratulations on taking the steps necessary to have in place a pet health care plan should your beloved dog have an unexpected need arise. Unfortunately there are still millions of families across the U.S. without coverage on their pets. But it has been reported that a family pet has a 1 in 3 chance of making an unexpected visit to the vet or animal emergency hospital every single year! So not having insurance on your dog could really be a costly mistake.

Dog owners should have in place either: a large amount of savings to cover unexpected health care costs for their dog (which isn't feasible for most of us) or some type of dog insurance. Having dog insurance will help protect your dog and your wallet. By having dog insurance, you know your dog will always get the veterinary care he needs and deserves. You won't have to worry about being placed in the difficult position of trying to decide if you can afford treatment and care for your dog.

The best dog insurance plan I've found offers these benefits: 

Allows you to use any vet
Covers genetic and breed specific conditions (like hip dysplasia, cherry eye, or luxating patella)
Cancer and chemotherapy treatment
and even alternative and homeopathic therapies
If you were faced one of these situations, having insurance for your dog would give you some peace and mind by allowing you to focus on his care without worrying about the cost. And if you can afford a bit more, you might consider adding a wellness option. This extra feature of a pet insurance policy would cover preventive care for routine vet visits, spay or neuters, vaccinations, flea and tick treatments and heartworm medications, too.

In recent years, more and more families have decided to buy a pet insurance policy for their pets. Now, while your dog is still healthy, is the best time to think about purchasing a pet insurance policy. And with many companies offering customizable plans, you can choose the limits, deductibles, co-pays, and options to get a premium you can afford.

Families hoping their dog will never become ill or suffer an injury, is simply wishful thinking. As a dog owner, it is your responsibility to provide the best care possible for your dog.

A healthy dog is a happy dog.

Get more information on the best dog insurance plan and get a free dog insurance quote online.

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